Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Basement floor

Basement floor went in, as well as the stairs. Just have to let it dry a few days, and the framing can start. :)

Friday, August 15, 2008

Inspection crisis averted

So, yesterday the inspector came to check out the basement. He said that he couldn't pass it because the footings needed to be inspected before the walls went up, and the hole needed to be inspected before the footings went in..... The inspection cards that the town gave us never indicated that.

My contractor (who has been dealing with Islip for 31 years) went to their office this morning with photos that I took of everything (it pays to be obsessive with photos... :content: ), and cleared everything up. Apparently, the town decided to change the rules, but never bothered to tell anyone.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Walls are basically dry

The forms came off late Thursday and they waterproofed the walls. Now it's just got to dry for a few days, then get inspected.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Basement walls up

Basement walls were poured yesterday. Now we just have to wait a while for the cement to cure. I was chatting with the neighbors behind me, and they said that their grandson was having a great time watching all the big machines working in the yard. It's always a good thing when your neighbors aren't annoyed about you building in your yard. :)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

No walls yet

Well, the concrete guys didn't put up the forms for the wall yet.... I spoke to my builder and he said they got delayed at their previous job, so they couldn't get over to my house. They should be by today.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Footings are in

They put the footings in yesterday. Now I can get a better sense of the footprint of the house. Today, they should be putting up the forms for the walls.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Survived the downpour

Had some major downpours on Saturday, but they went by pretty quick. We have very good drainage on the property, so any water that accumulated in the hole, disappeared almost immediately.