Friday, September 26, 2008

Passed framing and strapping inspection

No pictures for this post, but we passed the building inspection for the framing and strapping. That means we can start covering the walls up with siding and insulation.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Most of downstairs windows are in

All of the downstairs windows are in except for the bay window. Since they are installing a new window directly over the bay, they decided to do the 2nd floor window first. The bay window area is all framed, though, so it should be a relatively simple process to put it in (Heavy process, but simple.... :) )

We have use of the front door again!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Windows are going in

They put all the windows in the new addition part of the house. That part is relatively easy, since all of the rough openings were configured for those exact windows. The next part, retrofitting the old part of the house, will take a bit more effort.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Roof shingles are on

The roof shingles are on for everything except the "eyelids" over the bay windows. That should make the shell significantly waterproof for a while. It will keep the majority of rain from coming straight down into the shell, and only come in through the window openings.

Front door is in

They installed the front doors and transom window. The foyer is still closed off to the old part of the house, so we aren't using the doors yet, but at least we can see what they look like. I was worried about them looking too big, since they are double doors, but with how wide the house is, the scale is perfect.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

No front door!

Front door is gone! Well, that's one way of keeping away solicitors.... :) The foyer bump-out was taken down, they started framing, and had to cut away part of the wall inside so we could use the stairs.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Roof is framed

They put the roof rafters up and there's plywood on the roof. They are almost done with the rough framing. Just the front foyer is left.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

2nd floor framed

All the 2nd floor walls are framed now. It's a little hard getting good photos since it's on the 2nd floor now, and we haven't opened up the existing house to the new house. The only way to get to the new 2nd floor is by ladder.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

1st floor framed

Framing is done on 1st floor. Most of the ceiling joists are in. Tropical Storm Hanna is coming by over the weekend, so that should be fun... The side of the house doesn't have siding on most of it, but the storm is moving quickly, so it shouldn't be too bad.
It's been hot and humid lately. I've been giving the workers water, but I am so glad that I'm not out there....
It's starting to look house-like now, so it's really starting to get exciting.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

1st floor laid

The basement is now covered, so I don't have to worry about anyone falling in the pit.... We've been having weird downpours for half an hour or so in the middle of the night two nights in a row..... Just enough to get everything wet, but not enough to damage anything at least. The new part of the basement is flooding, but it's lower than the old basement, so the water just sits there until it evaporates. Not a big deal.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Framing started

Framing started today. Big truck stopped by with a lot of lumber to frame the two floors. Still need more for the roof, but that's a later visit. The framing lumber is SFI certified, which means it's been Sustainably Forested. That's a good thing for the planet.